Visit to Von Bundit Co. Ltd. (Phunpin), Surat Thani, Thailand

On 22 March 2023, IRCo visited Von Bundit Co., Ltd. (Phunpin) in Surat Thani, a southern province of Thailand.

Von Bundit has been one of the leading processors and exporters of high-quality natural rubber in Thailand and globally since 1987. The products provided by Von Bundit include Ribbed Smoked Sheets (RSS), Standard Thai Rubber (STR) and Concentrated Latex.

Von Bundit and IRCo discussed pressing issues related to natural rubber (NR) such as sustainability and adaptations which the industry (from upstream to downstream) has had to make.

Moving towards a more sustainable NR industry is not cost-free; thus, all stakeholders must take mutual responsibility for added costs/obligations and strive to make the industry more sustainable in all aspects for all parties involved.

IRCo expresses sincere appreciation to Von Bundit for the opportunity as well as assistance and hospitality during the visit.