Bilateral Discussion Between Minister of Agriculture And Cooperatives Of Thailand And Minister Of Agriculture And Rural Development Of Vietnam

Bilateral Discussion Between Minister of Agriculture And Cooperatives Of Thailand And Minister Of Agriculture And Rural Development Of Vietnam 27 July 2015, 15:00 SEAST   On 23 July 2015, H.E. Cac Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam paid a courtesy call to H.E. Petipong Pungbun Na Ayudhya, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand. Both Excellencies had a chance […]

U.S. Auto Industry Heading For Record Sales In 2015

U.S. Auto Industry Heading For Record Sales In 2015   4 November 2015   The U.S. auto industry is on track for a record annual sale as indicated by the continued improvement of its auto sales in October which was far higher than market expectations.   In October 2015, the U.S. automobile sales jumped by 13.6% to 1,455,516 units in […]

Global Natural Rubber Stock Continued Falling At End July 2015

Global Natural Rubber Stock Continued Falling At End July 2015   11 August 2015, 11:00 SEAST   In July 2015, global Natural Rubber (NR) stock continued falling from 2.063 million MT as at end 2014 to 1.845 million MT as at end July 2015, according to the LMC�s Rubber Bulletin in July 2015.   This […]

China October Auto Sales Up 11% After Tax Cut Boosts Demand

China October Auto Sales Up 11% After Tax Cut Boosts Demand   6 November 2015 Source: Bloomberg and IRCo   Passenger-vehicle sales in China increased at the fastest pace in seven months after the government cut a tax on car purchases to boost sagging demand in the world�s largest automobile market.   In October 2015, retail deliveries of […]

China’s Imports Of Natural And Synthetic Rubber Jumped 36.7%, Y-O-Y, In October 2015

China’s Imports Of Natural And Synthetic Rubber Jumped 36.7%, Y-O-Y, In October 2015   23 November 2015   In October 2015, the preliminary China’s rubber imports (natural and synthetic rubber) jumped by 36.7% to 410,000 MT as compared to 300,000 MT in October 2014, according to the China’s General Administration of Customs.   As a result, there […]

IRCo Welcomes Datuk Dr. Salmiah Ahmad As The New CEO Of IRCo

IRCo Welcomes Datuk Dr. Salmiah Ahmad as the New CEO of IRCo   The office of IRCo welcomes Datuk Dr. Salmiah Ahmad as the Chief Executive Officer of IRCo, effective 1 September 2015.   Datuk Dr. Salmiah who was the Director General of Malaysian Rubber Board has been appointed by IRCo’s Board of Director to […]

Positive NR Fundamentals For The First 10 Months Of 2015

Positive NR Fundamentals For The First 10 Months Of 2015 10 November 2015   Highlights:   * NR Production dropped 0.9% * NR Consumption increased 3.8% * World NR Stocks decreased 17.6% For the first 10 months of 2015, NR fundamentals remain intact as indicated by the decrease of NR production in Association of Natural […]